Physical therapy utilizes therapeutic exercises and physical agents such as heat, cold, light, water, electricity, sound, and massage for the treatment and medical rehabilitation of persons with disease and injury. The administration of tests as well as their evaluation and measurement to determine the degree of disability and achievement are also preformed. It is not only concerned with the early stages of treatment, but is essential throughout the convalescence for shortening the recovery period and improving an ultimate function. As a part of team working cooperatively with the physician and other co-medial personnel, the physical therapist plays an important role in aiding persons who have suffered illness or injuries to attain highest possible degree of physical, mental, social, and occupational independence.
The first 2 years in this department provides students with students in liberal arts. These include selected courses in biological and physical sciences which are basic for required courses. Required courses taken in the area of major specialization include human anatomy, physiology, pathology and clinical psychology, subjects in medicine and surgery as related to physical therapy, and the principles, theory, and methods of application of physical therapy procedures. All graduates are qualified to take the national examination for becoming a registered physical therapist.