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    School of Health Sciences

This School is a four-year course of Medical Science and Techniques. It was established at the Daiko Campus in 1997 with the reorganization of Nagoya University College of Medical Technology, which was established in October 1977.
The goal of this department is to conduct research into medical science and techniques and to educate students to be experts in medical and health care.
The school consists of five departments, the Department of Nursing, the Department of Radiological Technology, the Department of Medical Technology, the Department of Physical Therapy and the Department of Occupational Therapy.
campus13.jpg Each department requires 4 years as a minimum term of study with 80 students admitted annually to the Department of Nursing, 40 each to the Departments of Radiological Technology and Medical Technology, and 20 each to the Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Admission is by examination.

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Nagoya-Yonsei University
Research Exchange Meeting
on Health Sciences

Women Leaders Program to Promote Well-being in Asia
Well-being in Asia
Doctoral Program Admission Guidelines
Doctoral Program Admission Guidelines
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
1-1-20 Daiko-Minami, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
All Rights Reserved, Copyright © Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine.
Nagoya University